What are cognitive and clinical assessments?
Cognitive and Clinical assessments are a series of specially designed tools to help understand the impact a person’s mental health challenges are having on their ability to live their life to the fullest.
These assessments can help you and your support team understand these impacts relating to thinking, conceptual, language testing, psychometric testing, problem-solving and more.
For example:
- WAIS-IV : Comprehensive assessment of neuro-cognitive functioning of adolescents and adults.
- WHO Disability Assessment (WHODAS) : A generic assessment instrument for health and disability. It covers 6 domains of function including, Cognition, Mobility, Self-Care, Getting Along, Life Activities and Participation.
- HONOS : The Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) is a clinician rated instrument comprising 12 simple scales measuring behaviour, impairment, symptoms and social functioning for those in the 18 - 64 years old age group
- 16PF : An assessment tool that looks at 16 unique personality factors. It is used to help people understand themselves and frames their life choices and career options
- MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) : Detects Cognitive Impairment. Used in several clinical situations it can help identify mild cognitive impairment.
- PANSS Assessment : Measures the symptom severity of patients with schizophrenia
- SCL-90-R : An instrument that helps evaluate a broad range of psychological problems. The instrument is also useful in measuring patient progress or treatment outcomes.
- The Dissociative Experience Scales (DES) : A psychological self-assessment questionnaire that measures dissociative symptoms
- RUDAS : A multicultural cognitive assessment to detect dementia in a client
- DASS 21 : The DASS is a clinical assessment that measures the three related states of depression, anxiety and stress