How Cognitive Assessments Work

Whether using the words Variety, Spontaneity or Change; we have all said at one point that we crave it. Though generally, we are talking about change that we expect. Whether it be a holiday, a new job, a relationship or even moving house. The reality is life is full of the unexpected and this is the real variety of life. We simply can not predict, plan and control this complex and wonderful universe so that we never experience unexpected change.

My Label Doesn’t Define Me

Whether using the words Variety, Spontaneity or Change; we have all said at one point that we crave it. Though generally, we are talking about change that we expect. Whether it be a holiday, a new job, a relationship or even moving house. The reality is life is full of the unexpected and this is the real variety of life. We simply can not predict, plan and control this complex and wonderful universe so that we never experience unexpected change.